The first Deltana Fair was held August 2 and 3, 1980. It evolved from the Buffalo Barbecue, which used to be an annual event sponsored by the Delta Chamber of Commerce. The two ran hand-in-hand for about four years as the fair grew and eventually got its own fairgrounds. The Chamber of CThe first Deltana Fair was held August 2 and 3, 1980 in Delta Junction, Alaska. It evolved from the Buffalo Barbecue, which used to be an annual event sponsored by the Delta Chamber of Commerce. The two ran hand-in-hand for about four years as the fair grew and eventually got its own fairgrounds. The Chamber of Commerce served its Buffalo Barbecue as part of the fair for several years but it was discontinued after the State would no longer allow the Chamber to harvest a bison from the wild herd. The familiar Deltana Fair pennant emblem was selected in the very first Deltana Fair logo contest in 1980. The royal blue pennant with gold letters was designed by Ann Geise. The State of Alaska leased 120 acres to the Deltana Fair Association in 1984. The fair was first held on the fairgrounds in 1986 — and enlarged to a 3-day event. The exhibit hall, an arena and the State Forestry’s log cabin were the first additions to the new fairgrounds. New buildings and arenas have been added and more are planned. Donations are greatly appreciated.
The first Deltana Fair Parade was in 1983 and continues to be a major event each year.
The first Deltana Fair Outhouse Race in 1985 was patterned after similar outhouse races in Chatanika, Alaska, and Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada. In 1987, the race was rerouted and renamed the ‘Great Alaska Outhouse Race Along the Alaska Pipeline’. This race has morphed into the “Pipeline Run under the Late Night Sun” – a 3K or 5K walk/run along the Alyeska Pipeline A theme for the fair was first presented in 1986 and in 1987 a theme and logo contest was started.
The Fair’s original by-laws and articles of incorporation are dated August 15, 1980. The incorporators were: Richard T. Souhrada, president; Ronald E. Beck, vice-president; Loretta Nistler, vice-president; Margaret J. (Peggy) Carlson, secretary; William J. Haring, treasurer; Ronald A. Mull, director; William S. Hart, director. Since the Deltana Fair is and has been almost completely a volunteer operation, the Fair Association has annually (since 1982) selected one of these many dedicated community volunteers for special recognition. First, the fair premium book was dedicated to the selected volunteer(s), then as the parade began in 1983, the honored volunteers were named Grand Marshals of the Deltana Fair Parade with an appropriate place in the parade. These special people are examples of the involved, hard-working cadre of volunteers who are the very heart and soul of the Deltana Fair.
1982 – dedicated to Carol Hoshiko. Fair board members: President Bill Haring; Vice-President Don Quarberg; Secretary/Treasurer Frank Geiger; Directors Ron Beck, Loretta Nistler, Ron Mull and Sara Talovich; Administrative secretary/treasurer, Patti Dull; Fair Coordinator Edith Walker.
1983 – dedicated to Richard Souhrada. Fair board members: P Bill Haring; VP Don Quarberg; S/T Frank Geiger; D – Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Sara Talovich, Edith Walker; A S/T – Patti Dull; FC – Marilyn Mitchell, AFC – Dolly Guyer.
1984 – dedicated to John & Hilda Savela. P Don Quarberg; VP Frank Geiger; S/T Nancy Morris; D – Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Lori Meek, Ann Geise; A S/T – Patti Dull; FC Marilyn Mitchell; CoC Dolly Guyer.
1985 – dedicated to Harry & Mary Armstrong. P Don Quarberg; VP Scott Miller; S/T Nancy Morris; D – Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Henry Muth, Ann Geise; A S/T – Patti Dull; FC Marilyn Mitchell.
1986 – dedicated to Mabel Olmstead. Theme “Born in the USA”. P Doug ‘Chris’ Christopherson; VP Don Quarberg; D – Ruby Hollembaek, Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Henry Muth, Lori Meek; A S/T Patti Dull; FC Beth Johnson.
1987 – dedicated to Don Quarberg. Theme “Summer Sensations” by Tracy Bayle; Logo by Doug ‘Chris’ Christopherson. P Chris Christopherson; VP Loretta Nistler; S/T Ann Geise; D – Henry Muth, Loyd Maggard, Terri Martin, Lori Meek; A S/T Patti Dull; Fair Manager K Kirk.
1988 – dedicated to Frank Geiger. Theme & Logo “Fun Under the Sun” by Judy Lentz. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; S/T Lori Meek; D – Loretta Nistler, Loyd Maggard, Terri Martin, empty seat; A S/T – Patti Dull; FM K Kirk; AFM Gay Bowley.
1989 – dedicated to Patti Dull. Theme & Logo “Kick up yer Heels” by Deborah Hayes. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; S/T Lori Meek; D – Loretta Nistler, Loyd Maggard, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T – Patti Dull; FM Gay Bowley; AFMs Rena Case & Ann Geise.
1990 – dedicated to Ron Beck. Theme & Logo “Clowning Around” by Kathy Kutchins. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; S/T Lori Meek; D – Loretta Nistler, Loyd Maggard, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T – Patti Dull; FM Gay Bowley.
1991 – Grand Marshals ‘Bill’ & Leigh Dennison. Theme & Logo “Mountains of Fun in ‘91” by Ann Geise. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; D – Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T – Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd; AFM Judy Smith.
1992 – Grand Marshals Peggy & ‘Chris’ Christopherson. Theme & Logo “Linking the Nations” by Sue Nilsson. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; D – Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T – Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd; AFM Ralph Corey.
1993 – Grand Marshal Paul Nistler. Theme “Fireweed Festival of Fun” by Julia Phillips; Logo by Ann Geise. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; D – Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Pat Moritz, Deb Darland; A S/T – Patti Dull; FM Angela Roseberry.
1994 – Grand Marshal Mike Floyd. Theme “Fun in Store for ‘94” by Tracy Blais; Logo by Marlin Dunklebarger. P Ann Geise; D – Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Pat Moritz, Deb Darland, empty seat; A S/T Patti Dull; FM Angela Roseberry.
1995 – Grand Marshals Carl & Marge Bandy. Theme “Agriculture Alive in ‘95” by Angela Roseberry; Logo by Julia Phillips. P Mike Floyd; D – Pat Moritz, Ted Hamilton, Alice Pennington, Peggy Floyd, Ann Geise, Dawn Grossmann; A S/T Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd.
1996 – dedicated to Charles G. Forck. Theme “Lots of Kicks in ‘96” by Nicole Coakley; Logo by Marlin Dunklebarger. P Mike Floyd; D – Pat Moritz, Ted Hamilton, Alice Pennington, Peggy Floyd, Ann Geise, Dawn Grossmann; A S/T Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd.
1997 – Grand Marshal Priscilla Louise Mandulak Rice. Theme “Let’s Get Revvin’ in ‘97” by Princess Marie Lupo; Logo by Marlin Dunklebarger. P Dawn Grossmann; D – Pat Moritz, Gail Keaster, Peggy Christopherson, Vickie Zachgo, Kaye Hennager, LaQuenta Luke; FM Gail Keaster; AFM Tammy Bailey.
1998 – dedicated to Ron Mull. Theme “It’s a Family Affair” by Marlin Dunommerce served its Buffalo Barbecue as part of the fair for several years but it was discontinued after the State would no longer allow the Chamber to harvest a bison from the wild herd. The familiar Deltana Fair pennant emblem was selected in the very first Deltana Fair logo contest in 1980. The royal blue pennant with gold letters was designed by Ann Geise. The State of Alaska leased 120 acres to the Deltana Fair Association in 1984. The fair was first held on the fairgrounds in 1986 -- and enlarged to a 3-day event. The exhibit hall, an arena and the State Forestry’s log cabin were the first additions to the new fairgrounds. New buildings and arenas have been added and more are planned. Donations are greatly appreciated.
The Miss Deltana Fair Pageant was held in the Delta School each year from 1985 through 1992. Miss Deltana 1985 - Michelle Woodbury; 1986 - Michaele Koweluk; 1987 - Heather Wisner; 1988 - Rhonda Gilbertson; 1989 - Kim Maggard; 1990 - Tina Diviney; 1991 - Tina Hanson; 1992 - Angela Nickerson. The pageant resumed in 2010 with Mrs and Miss Deltana. 2010 Mrs.Amy Marshall Miss Lydia Stock 2011 - Mrs. Claudia Holmes Miss Lilyian Mazhan 2012- Mrs. Felicia Brooks Miss Katie Prokesheva The first Deltana Fair Parade was in 1983 and continues to be a major event each year. The first Deltana Fair Outhouse Race in 1985 was patterned after similar outhouse races in Chatanika, Alaska, and Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada. In 1987, the race was rerouted and renamed the ‘Great Alaska Outhouse Race Along the Alaska Pipeline’. This race has morphed into the “Pipeline Run under the Late Night Sun” – a 3K or 5K walk/run along the Alyeska Pipeline A theme for the fair was first presented in 1986 and in 1987 a theme and logo contest was started. The Fair’s original by-laws and articles of incorporation are dated August 15, 1980. The incorporators were: Richard T. Souhrada, president; Ronald E. Beck, vice-president; Loretta Nistler, vice-president; Margaret J. (Peggy) Carlson, secretary; William J. Haring, treasurer; Ronald A. Mull, director; William S. Hart, director. Since the Deltana Fair is and has been almost completely a volunteer operation, the Fair Association has annually (since 1982) selected one of these many dedicated community volunteers for special recognition. First, the fair premium book was dedicated to the selected volunteer(s), then as the parade began in 1983, the honored volunteers were named Grand Marshals of the Deltana Fair Parade with an appropriate place in the parade. These special people are examples of the involved, hard-working cadre of volunteers who are the very heart and soul of the Deltana Fair. 1982 - dedicated to Carol Hoshiko. Fair board members: President Bill Haring; Vice-President Don Quarberg; Secretary/Treasurer Frank Geiger; Directors Ron Beck, Loretta Nistler, Ron Mull and Sara Talovich; Administrative secretary/treasurer, Patti Dull; Fair Coordinator Edith Walker. 1983 - dedicated to Richard Souhrada. Fair board members: P Bill Haring; VP Don Quarberg; S/T Frank Geiger; D - Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Sara Talovich, Edith Walker; A S/T - Patti Dull; FC - Marilyn Mitchell, AFC - Dolly Guyer. 1984 - dedicated to John & Hilda Savela. P Don Quarberg; VP Frank Geiger; S/T Nancy Morris; D - Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Lori Meek, Ann Geise; A S/T - Patti Dull; FC Marilyn Mitchell; CoC Dolly Guyer. 1985 - dedicated to Harry & Mary Armstrong. P Don Quarberg; VP Scott Miller; S/T Nancy Morris; D - Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Henry Muth, Ann Geise; A S/T - Patti Dull; FC Marilyn Mitchell. 1986 - dedicated to Mabel Olmstead. Theme “Born in the USA”. P Doug ‘Chris’ Christopherson; VP Don Quarberg; D - Ruby Hollembaek, Ron Mull, Loretta Nistler, Henry Muth, Lori Meek; A S/T Patti Dull; FC Beth Johnson. 1987 - dedicated to Don Quarberg. Theme “Summer Sensations” by Tracy Bayle; Logo by Doug ‘Chris’ Christopherson. P Chris Christopherson; VP Loretta Nistler; S/T Ann Geise; D - Henry Muth, Loyd Maggard, Terri Martin, Lori Meek; A S/T Patti Dull; Fair Manager K Kirk. 1988 - dedicated to Frank Geiger. Theme & Logo “Fun Under the Sun” by Judy Lentz. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; S/T Lori Meek; D - Loretta Nistler, Loyd Maggard, Terri Martin, empty seat; A S/T - Patti Dull; FM K Kirk; AFM Gay Bowley. 1989 - dedicated to Patti Dull. Theme & Logo “Kick up yer Heels” by Deborah Hayes. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; S/T Lori Meek; D - Loretta Nistler, Loyd Maggard, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T - Patti Dull; FM Gay Bowley; AFMs Rena Case & Ann Geise. 1990 - dedicated to Ron Beck. Theme & Logo “Clowning Around” by Kathy Kutchins. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; S/T Lori Meek; D - Loretta Nistler, Loyd Maggard, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T - Patti Dull; FM Gay Bowley. 1991 - Grand Marshals ‘Bill’ & Leigh Dennison. Theme & Logo “Mountains of Fun in ‘91” by Ann Geise. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; D - Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T - Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd; AFM Judy Smith. 1992 - Grand Marshals Peggy & ‘Chris’ Christopherson. Theme & Logo “Linking the Nations” by Sue Nilsson. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; D - Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Lois Speed, Deb Darland; A S/T - Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd; AFM Ralph Corey. 1993 - Grand Marshal Paul Nistler. Theme “Fireweed Festival of Fun” by Julia Phillips; Logo by Ann Geise. P Chris Christopherson; VP Ann Geise; D - Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Pat Moritz, Deb Darland; A S/T - Patti Dull; FM Angela Roseberry. 1994 - Grand Marshal Mike Floyd. Theme “Fun in Store for ‘94” by Tracy Blais; Logo by Marlin Dunklebarger. P Ann Geise; D - Joe Peters, Paul Heral, Loretta Nistler, Pat Moritz, Deb Darland, empty seat; A S/T Patti Dull; FM Angela Roseberry. 1995 - Grand Marshals Carl & Marge Bandy. Theme “Agriculture Alive in ‘95” by Angela Roseberry; Logo by Julia Phillips. P Mike Floyd; D - Pat Moritz, Ted Hamilton, Alice Pennington, Peggy Floyd, Ann Geise, Dawn Grossmann; A S/T Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd. 1996 - dedicated to Charles G. Forck. Theme “Lots of Kicks in ‘96” by Nicole Coakley; Logo by Marlin Dunklebarger. P Mike Floyd; D - Pat Moritz, Ted Hamilton, Alice Pennington, Peggy Floyd, Ann Geise, Dawn Grossmann; A S/T Patti Dull; FM Peggy Floyd. 1997 - Grand Marshal Priscilla Louise Mandulak Rice. Theme “Let’s Get Revvin’ in ‘97” by Princess Marie Lupo; Logo by Marlin Dunklebarger. P Dawn Grossmann; D - Pat Moritz, Gail Keaster, Peggy Christopherson, Vickie Zachgo, Kaye Hennager, LaQuenta Luke; FM Gail Keaster; AFM Tammy Bailey. 1998 - dedicated to Ron Mull. Theme “It’s a Family Affair” by Marlin Dun